Legal notes
Responsible for the contents of these web pages:
JCK Holding GmbH Textil KG
Artlandstraße 73
D-49610 Quakenbrück
Representatives: Günter Kollmann, David Kollmann and Johannes Kollmann
Phone: +49 (0) 5431 188-100
Fax: +49 (0) 5431 188-101
Website: www.jck.de
E-Mail: contact@jck.de
Companies register: Osnabrück district court, HRA number 7104
VAT ID No. as per § 27 of German value added tax law (Umsatzsteuergesetz): DE 151408322
Homepage contents
JCK Holding GmbH Textil KG makes no representations or warranties of any kind with regard to the completeness, accuracy or quality of the information provided. JCK Holding GmbH Textil KG assumes no liability of any kind with regard to damages caused by the use or non- use of the information provided and/or by the use of incorrect and incomplete information. Third party website contents referenced by means of either direct or indirect links are outside JCK Holding GmbH Textil KG’s scope of responsibility. JCK Holding GmbH Textil KG hereby confirms that there were no illegal or improper contents on the respectively linked pages when the links were set. In the event of the addition of illegal or improper contents to a linked website at a later date, JCK Holding GmbH Textil KG hereby distances itself explicitly from these contents. JCK Holding GmbH Textil KG will remove any such links as soon as we are made aware of them. This also applies to all third party entries in any guestbooks, discussion forums etc. we may have set up.
JCK Holding GmbH Textil KG makes every effort to avoid the infringement of any copyrights to the graphics and texts used or to use graphics and texts that are not subject to copyright. All potentially registered third party brands and trademarks named in the online offer are unrestrictedly subject to the rules of the respectively applicable trademark law and ownership rights of the respectively registered owners. As the author of the page, JCK Holding GmbH Textil KG has the sole copyright for published objects created by ourselves. Any such graphics and texts may not be reproduced or used in other electronic or printed publications without the express permission of JCK Holding GmbH Textil KG.
Usage rights
JCK Holding GmbH Textil KG has the sole usage rights for all published objects. Any such graphics, text documents, video sequences and texts may not be reproduced or used in other electronic or printed publications without the express permission of JCK Holding GmbH Textil KG.
Website realisation
Conceptual design: Heartbrands GmbH
Graphic design and realisation: POLYPLANET GmbH